Top things to do in Mechelen

Top 15 Things To Do In Mechelen, Belgium

Have you ever heard of Mechelen? If not, it’s time to add this hidden gem in Belgium to your travel bucket list. Mechelen may not be as famous as its neighboring cities like Brussels and Antwerp, but it has a rich history and culture that is waiting for you to discover. With beautifully renovated churches, a large beguinage, and the famous Saint-Rumbold’s tower, which holds the greatest heritage of the city, Mechelen is a must-visit destination for history buffs, foodies, and culture enthusiasts.

But there’s more to Mechelen than just its landmarks. This charming city offers a wide range of activities that will satisfy your thirst for adventure. From climbing the Saint-Rumbold’s tower for a stunning view of the city to taking a boat tour on the Dijle river, there are plenty of ways to explore this beautiful city. And let’s not forget about the local delicacies – Carolus beer and St. Rumbold’s cookies are just some of the things you need to try while you’re here. So get ready to feel empowered as you embark on an unforgettable journey through one of Belgium’s best-kept secrets – Mechelen!

Admire Famous Landmarks

If you’re interested in history and culture, Mechelen is a city that won’t disappoint. The city has beautifully renovated churches where you can admire original Rubens paintings. Among the landmarks worth visiting is St. Rumbold’s Tower, which is a symbol of Mechelen and holds the greatest heritage of the city. Did you know that climbing to the top of this iconic tower will reward you with stunning views of Mechelen?

St. Rumbold’s tower isn’t just a pretty sight; it also has historical significance for Mechelaars. The carillon of Mechelen, which is housed inside the tower, is famous worldwide for its unique sound and impressive size – it has 49 bells! During your visit, make sure to listen to one of its concerts or attend one of its festivals to experience its full range.

St. Rumbold Tower. Source:

Mechelen also boasts some landmark architecture that will take your breath away. One such example is Hof van Busleyden, an imposing building that was once home to Hieronymus van Busleyden – one of Flanders’ most prominent humanists during the Renaissance period. Today, Hof van Busleyden houses a museum dedicated to showcasing Flemish art from 1470-1770 and offers guided tours that give visitors insight into Flanders’ rich cultural history.


The St-Romboutskathedraal is a must-visit landmark in Mechelen, with its towering spire and impressive collection of original Rubens paintings. The cathedral’s architecture is breathtaking, with intricate details and stunning stained glass windows that transport you back in time. But the real highlight of visiting this cathedral is the climbing experience up to the top of the tower.

Top things to do in Mechelen: St-Romboutskathedraal

If you’re feeling adventurous, climb up to the top of the tower for a panoramic view of the city. The ascent can be quite steep and challenging, but it’s definitely worth it once you reach the top. From up there, you can see all of Mechelen laid out before you, including other historic landmarks like Het Anker Brewery and Grote Markt.

While at St-Romboutskathedraal, don’t miss out on carillon lessons from one of their expert musicians. This unique instrument consists of dozens of bells that are played by striking them with a keyboard-like device called a clavier. It takes years to master this instrument, but even just hearing it played is an incredible experience that highlights the historical significance of this landmark in Belgian culture.


Get ready to explore the Stadhuis, a stunning Gothic-style town hall located in the heart of Mechelen! The history of this building dates back to the 14th century when it was first constructed as a cloth hall. Later on, it was converted into a town hall and underwent several renovations over the years. Today, Stadhuis features an impressive facade with intricate details and sculptures that represent various historical figures.

 At the beginning of 1900, the Mechelen city council was still based in Den Beyaert, where the post office is now.

Besides its breathtaking architecture, Stadhuis also plays an important role in local events and celebrations. During Christmas time, the square around Stadhuis is transformed into a magical winter wonderland with ice-skating rinks and festive decorations. In addition, there are often concerts held on the steps of Stadhuis during the summer months.

To fully appreciate the significance of Stadhuis, consider taking one of their guided tours. The knowledgeable guides will provide you with fascinating insights into both the history and current use of this iconic building. You’ll learn about different rooms within Stadhuis such as the council chamber where important decisions are made by city officials. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in Mechelen’s rich culture and heritage by exploring Stadhuis!

Lady Hanswijk

Ready to discover the Lady Hanswijk, a beautiful baroque church located just a short walk from Stadhuis? This stunning church is dedicated to Our Lady of Hanswijk and has a rich history that dates back to the 17th century. Here are three reasons why you should visit this cultural gem:

  1. History of Lady Hanswijk: Built in the 1600s, Lady Hanswijk is an important religious landmark in Mechelen. The church was constructed as a testament to the miraculous statue of Our Lady of Hanswijk, which locals believed had healing powers. Visitors can still see this iconic statue inside the church today.
  2. Local Legends: According to local legends, during World War II, German soldiers attempted to destroy the church by setting it on fire. However, they were miraculously stopped by a group of courageous nuns who put out the flames before any serious damage was done.
  3. Religious Art and Architecture: The beauty of Lady Hanswijk extends beyond its historical significance and legends. The interior boasts stunning baroque architecture and intricate religious art that will leave you in awe. From statues depicting holy figures such as Saint Joseph and Saint Anne to ornate altarpieces adorned with gold leaf, there’s no shortage of incredible artwork within these walls.

Lady Hanswijk holds great cultural significance for Mechelen and should be at the top of your list when visiting this charming city in Belgium. Don’t miss out on experiencing this breathtaking example of religious art and architecture firsthand!

Het Zotte Kunstkabinet

You’ll love exploring Het Zotte Kunstkabinet, a quirky art museum that will surprise and delight you with its eclectic collection. This hidden gem is full of artistic curiosities, unusual collections, eccentric exhibits, surreal displays, and bizarre artifacts. The museum’s name translates to “The Mad Art Cabinet” in English, which perfectly describes the unique pieces you’ll find inside.


One of the most fascinating exhibits in Het Zotte Kunstkabinet is the collection of taxidermy animals dressed in human clothing. Yes, you read that right! You’ll see mice wearing dresses and suits, cats with hats and ties, and even a rabbit playing the piano while wearing a top hat. It’s an incredibly surreal sight that you won’t soon forget.

Another highlight is the room filled with antique medical instruments and equipment. From trepanation drills used for skull surgeries to prosthetic limbs from centuries ago, this exhibit offers a glimpse into the history of medicine that is both fascinating and slightly unnerving. After visiting Het Zotte Kunstkabinet, you’ll leave feeling like you’ve just stepped out of a dream world full of strange wonders.

Predikheren Library

Oh boy, you’re in for a treat when you visit the Predikheren Library in Mechelen! This library is not just any ordinary library – it’s a stunning example of medieval architecture combined with sustainable design. You’ll be impressed by the large windows that let natural light flood into the reading spaces, and the use of eco-friendly materials throughout.

Predikheren Library, Mechelen

But wait, there’s more! The Predikheren Library also has an impressive collection of books and resources that reflect Mechelen’s strong reading culture. You’ll find everything from classic literary works to contemporary novels, as well as academic texts on various subjects. And if you’re interested in learning more about the history of this beautiful building, educational programs are available for all ages.

What makes this library even more special is its local community involvement. The Predikheren Library hosts regular events and workshops that bring together locals and visitors to share knowledge and ideas. Whether you’re a book lover or just looking for a unique cultural experience in Mechelen, make sure to add the Predikheren Library to your must-visit list!

Explore History and Culture

To really get a feel for the rich history and culture of Mechelen, take some time to wander through the quaint streets and alleys, popping into local shops and cafes along the way. The city is known for its beautifully renovated churches that showcase impressive architecture from different periods. Admire original Rubens paintings in St. Jans church, the Church of Our-Lady-Across-The-Dyle, and St. Rumbold’s Cathedral.

Don’t miss out on visiting Mechelen’s large beguinage where hundreds of years ago a flourishing community of beguines used to live. The community started during the 13th century and reached its peak during the 15th century. Take a stroll around this cute area with historic houses that will transport you back in time.

Mechelen has a rich culinary culture as well as boutique shopping options that are worth exploring. Make sure to try local delicacies like an apple pie with Carolus beer, Maneblussers chocolate, St. Rumbold’s cookies, Carolus beer, and Schokaerts cheese while wandering around town. Lastly, immerse yourself in Mechelen’s Carillon tradition by climbing Saint-Rumbold’s tower to learn about its history and enjoy stunning views of the city below.


If you’re looking for a charming and historic area to explore in Mechelen, head over to the Begijnhof. This beautiful enclave of historic houses dates back to the 13th century and has a unique cultural significance as it was once home to a community of beguines who lived here for centuries. The quiet atmosphere and picturesque architectural styles are sure to transport you back in time.

The Begijnhof is an oasis of calm in the bustling city of Mechelen. As you wander through its narrow streets, take note of the beautiful architectural styles that vary from Gothic to Baroque. Each house has a unique character with colorful facades and charming gardens that showcase how locals used to live during different periods.

Apart from its architectural beauty, the Begijnhof still plays an important role in local community life today. It’s not uncommon to see children playing or neighbors chatting on their doorsteps. A visit here will give you insight into how people used to live as well as an appreciation for this special piece of Belgium’s history.

Fort Breendonk

Don’t miss out on visiting Fort Breendonk, a former Nazi concentration camp located just outside of Mechelen. The fort was initially built in the early 1900s as part of Belgium’s defense system, but during World War II it was used by the Nazis to imprison and torture thousands of people. Today, it stands as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed during that time.

Fort Breendonk

The history of Fort Breendonk is both tragic and compelling. Many Resistance Fighters were imprisoned here, and some even lost their lives trying to escape. The fort was also used as a transit camp for Jews being transported to other concentration camps in Eastern Europe. The conditions at the camp were brutal, with prisoners subjected to forced labor, starvation, and torture.

Despite its dark past, Fort Breendonk has been preserved so that future generations can learn from its history. Visiting the fort today allows you to see firsthand the architecture of this historic site and gain an understanding of its significance in Belgian history. It’s important not to forget what happened here and to honor those who suffered at this terrible place.


If you’re looking for a fun and educational activity for the whole family, look no further than Technopolis in Mechelen. This interactive science center offers hands-on learning experiences through a variety of exhibits and experiments.

With over 350 interactive exhibits, Technopolis is the perfect place to explore science in an engaging way. From discovering the mysteries of electricity to exploring the human body, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Kids will love getting their hands dirty with science experiments while adults can marvel at the innovation showcase.


Here are just a few family-friendly activities you can expect at Technopolis:

  • Launch rockets into space
  • Experiment with sound waves
  • Create your own tornado
  • Learn about renewable energy sources

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn and have fun at Technopolis in Mechelen! With its focus on interactivity and hands-on learning, it’s sure to be an unforgettable experience for all ages.


You’ll love exploring the Speelgoedmuseum in Mechelen, where you can discover the history of toys and games through interactive exhibits and fascinating displays. This museum is perfect for unleashing your inner child and reliving some childhood memories. The toy collection is extensive and features toys from different eras, including wooden toys, dolls, games, trains, cars, and puzzles.

The museum exhibits are interactive and offer a hands-on experience for visitors of all ages. You can play with vintage toys, solve puzzles, build structures with blocks or legos, try out board games, or even dress up in costumes from different periods. The museum also offers educational experiences that teach visitors about the science behind some of the toys.

Visiting the Speelgoedmuseum is a must-do activity when in Mechelen. It’s an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours learning about the history of toys while having fun playing with them too! So grab your family or friends and head over to this fantastic museum for an exciting day out.

Kazerne Dossin

If you’re interested in Belgian history and want to learn more about the country’s role during World War II, then a visit to Kazerne Dossin is a must. This Holocaust Memorial and Deportation Museum is located in Mechelen and offers educational exhibits about the Jewish Resistance and the deportation of Jews from Belgium during the war.

Here are three things you can expect when visiting Kazerne Dossin:

  1. The museum provides an emotional experience that is both informative and thought-provoking. You’ll be taken on a journey through time as you explore how the Nazis managed to deport over 25,000 Jews from Belgium, including children. The exhibits showcase personal stories of survivors and victims, which will leave a lasting impression on visitors.
  2. One of the highlights of Kazerne Dossin is its impressive collection of artifacts related to the Holocaust. From photographs to documents, these items paint a vivid picture of what life was like for Jews in Belgium during this dark period in history.
  3. Finally, it’s worth noting that Kazerne Dossin is not just a museum but also an important center for research into genocide prevention. By visiting this memorial, you’re contributing to raising awareness about atrocities committed against minority groups worldwide while supporting ongoing efforts toward peace-building initiatives locally and internationally.

Overall, your visit to Mechelen isn’t complete without exploring Kazerne Dossin—a place where you can honor those who perished during one of humanity’s darkest moments while learning valuable lessons about compassion and empathy towards others regardless of their race or religion.

Discover Nature and Scenery

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Mechelen’s natural surroundings by exploring its picturesque parks and gardens. Take a break from city life and breathe in fresh air while enjoying the lush greenery that surrounds you. Mechelen offers several hiking trails, perfect for those who want to explore nature on foot. You can embark on a self-guided hike or join one of the guided tours offered by local tour operators.

Wildlife spotting is another popular activity among nature enthusiasts in Mechelen. The city’s parks and gardens are home to a variety of animals, including birds, squirrels, rabbits, and even deer! Keep your eyes peeled as you walk along the trails and you might just spot some furry friends. Don’t forget to bring your camera along for some stunning nature photography.

If you’re looking for a peaceful spot to unwind or have a picnic, head over to one of Mechelen’s botanical gardens. These beautiful oases offer an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life with their colorful flowers and tranquil surroundings. Some notable gardens include Jardin Botanique de l’Universite de Liege (Botanical Garden of the University of Liege), Jardins du Mont des Arts (Gardens of Mount Art), and Le Jardin des Plantes et des Hommes (The Garden of Plants and Humans).


Exploring Mechelen’s natural beauty can also be done by walking on the floating wooden path on the Dijle River, known as the Dijlepad. This is a unique experience that offers visitors a chance to get close to the river and enjoy its tranquility while taking in some of Mechelen’s stunning scenery. The wooden path is designed to float on top of the water, giving walkers an almost weightless sensation.

The Dijlepad is a great way to get up close and personal with Mechelen’s beauty while enjoying a leisurely walk. It stretches for around 1.5 kilometers and connects two parks: Tivoli Park and Vrijbroek Park. As you make your way along this picturesque route, you will be treated to some breathtaking views of Mechelen from a completely different perspective.

A walking tour along the Dijlepad is one of the best river experiences you can have in Mechelen. It offers visitors an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse themselves in nature while still being able to enjoy all that Mechelen has to offer. So if you’re looking for an activity that combines both relaxation and sightseeing, then walking on the floating wooden path on the Dijle River should definitely be at the top of your list!


Now that you have enjoyed the picturesque Dijlepad, it’s time to explore another must-visit attraction in Mechelen: Planckendael. This 42-hectare safari park is home to over 200 species of animals and provides a unique opportunity for animal encounters.


Planckendael is perfect for families looking for fun and educational activities. The park has several zones where visitors can learn about conservation efforts, such as the elephant sanctuary and the bonobo reserve. There are also daily shows featuring sea lions, birds of prey, and elephants that are sure to delight both kids and adults alike.

Apart from its impressive collection of animals, Planckendael offers educational programs that cater to all ages. These include workshops on animal care, guided tours with experts, and interactive exhibits that showcase the importance of biodiversity conservation. With so much to see and do at Planckendael, it’s no wonder why it’s considered one of Belgium’s top family-friendly destinations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any outdoor activities to do in Mechelen besides the boat tour on the Dijle river and the floating wooden path?

Looking for outdoor activities in Mechelen? You can explore hiking trails and cycling routes, or visit adventure parks and wildlife reserves. And don’t forget to check out the outdoor markets for local goods and treats. Get ready for a fun-filled day outside!

Is there a recommended time to visit St. Rumbold’s Tower to avoid crowds?

For the best experience at St. Rumbold’s Tower, try to visit during quiet hours to avoid tower crowds and long lines. Tourist tips suggest arriving early in the morning or later in the evening for a peaceful climb.

Are there any events or festivals that take place in Mechelen throughout the year?

You’ll love the local festivities, cultural events, music concerts, art exhibitions, and food festivals in Mechelen. Some popular options include the Maanrock Festival in August and the Christmas market in December. Keep an eye on the Tourism Office for more events throughout the year.

What is the best way to get around Mechelen for tourists?

Did you know that Mechelen is a compact city, making it easy to explore on foot? If you prefer cycling, there are bicycle rentals available. Private and walking tours are also great options. Public transportation and hop-on hop-off buses are limited.

Are there any notable day trips or excursions available from Mechelen?

Looking for a day trip from Mechelen? Take a bike tour to nearby castles, or go on a wine-tasting adventure in the countryside. Art exhibitions and culinary tours are also available in neighboring cities within easy reach by train.


Congratulations! You’ve just discovered the hidden gem of Belgium: Mechelen. This charming city offers a rich history, culture, and a wide range of activities that will leave you wanting more. From climbing the famous Saint-Rumbold’s tower for a stunning view of the city to taking a boat tour on the Dijle river, there’s something for everyone in Mechelen.

But let’s not forget about the local delicacies that will tantalize your taste buds. Carolus beer and St. Rumbold’s cookies are must-tries that will make your visit even more memorable. As the saying goes, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”So what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Mechelen today and experience all it has to offer!

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